SE217 PCIe carrier for PolarFire® based PolarBerry module

SE217 is a PCIe development board for PolarBerry-SoM. It is a simpler version of the SE215 carrier and offers an X1 Gen2 PCIe interface. It includes USB JTAG and UART, through a micro USB connector. The card provides Power GOOD and user LEDs for rapid debugging. A Low Pin Count (LPC) FMC site is also available. The board has an external 12V power input connector so it can be used as an embedded / desktop solution. TJ45 and IO header pins are also onboard.


  1. Slot for PB-MPFS250T-FCVG484E module (MPFS250TFCVG484E)
  2. USB – JTAG and USB – UART bridge via FT4232H IC, connector – micro USB;
  3. FMC LPC Vita 57.1 connector for functional extension, with ten gigabit lane;
  4. FMC VADJ supported 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V;
  5. RJ45 connector for 100/1000Mbit Ethernet connection;
  6. PCIe x1 Gen 2 EP for communication with PC,
  7. Three LEDs for power GOOD;
  8. Five User LEDs for debug purposes;
  9. Two user buttons and four dip switches;
  10. 12V input power connector;
  11. Temperature range, 0°C to +100°C;
  12. Maximal power consumption, including FMC LPC, is 15W;



  • Defense
  • Control
  • Instrumentation and testing
  • Embedded and Industrial

SE217 Block diagram

SE217 Placement diagram

Example Libero project and confidence test application will be provided, including driver from Microchip.

SE217   the carrier card without the SOM3 module

SE217-eval   SE217 + PolarBerry-SoM